Welcome, New Exam Admins & Instructors! Let’s Get Started!
What’s next? We have organized helpful information to get you started with exam entry, what you and your test-takers can expect, and best practices from start to finish.
Before you get started, make sure you've completed these steps:

Sign Up for one of our training webinars
Live+ 101 Training for Instructors Review+ 101 Training for Instructors Record+ 101 Training for Instructors*If you need help figuring out which service line you are using please reach out to your BDR or CSS
Exam Entry & Best Practices To Get Started
To get started with online proctoring, you will need to set up an account and enter your exam into our system. Don’t worry, here are step-by-step details:
We recommend that you enter an exam into our system at least two weeks prior to the start of the exam window. This gives test-takers enough time to schedule their exam appointment and helps ensure we can plan capacity needs appropriately.
For instructors using our Live+ or Review+ Services (with a live proctored launch) :
- Log into your account at go.proctoru.com and take advantage of our integrated, step-by-step training experience. Once you’re logged in, just click on the button that says Exam Entry Guide. Alternatively, you can read through our documentation here.
For instructors using our Record+ Service (with an automated launch):
- We have outlined how to enter an exam through your LMS in detailed documentation here.
An exam window is the window of time for which your test-takers can schedule and take a proctored exam. Note this is slightly different from the exam window entered into your LMS.
- First Appointment Date/Time: The first time test-takers can schedule to begin an exam session. This will be the same date/time when the exam opens in your Learning Management System (LMS) or exam delivery platform.
- Last Appointment Date/Time: The last available appointment to begin an exam session with ProctorU. This is not the time your test-taker will submit their exam. We recommend that the last appointment time be the duration of the exam plus 60 minutes prior to the time the exam closes in the LMS in case the test-taker experiences technical issues.
Please allow at least a one-hour exam window up to 150 test-takers. Example: 300 test-takers would require a two-hour window.
If a single test-taker needs to test outside of an exam window, you can create a custom and private appointment window for that individual. Review steps for how to create a single user exam here.
If you would like your test-takers to be able to use resources such as calculators, scratch paper, etc., you will add those resources as part of the exam entry process. This is also where you’ll denote whether test-takers may take a bathroom break. If a resource is not selected, it will not be approved for use during an exam session.
ProctorU proctors have a constant view of the test-taker’s screen in order to monitor approved resources.
If your test-taker needs a testing accommodation, we will need to know this prior to the first scheduled exam. Once you receive the accommodations request from your test-taker, send an email to support@proctoru.com. All the information your email needs to include can be found here.
Expectations for Exam Day
Now that your exam is set up in the system, let’s walk through what to expect the day of an exam. It may be helpful to bookmark this page to use as a reference during an exam time:
If possible, stay near your phone or computer during the exam window. Should a real-time exam issue come up (password issue, undocumented accommodation, etc.) that ProctorU cannot resolve, we will reach out to the contact you provide when setting up the exam. You may also be contacted by a test-taker.
If you hear from a test-taker or if you receive a voicemail or an email from ProctorU, please use LiveChat from within your ProctorU account or reach out to our support team via phone at 1-855-772-8678 to help us resolve any issues.
The most common things that ProctorU or one of your test-takers may reach out to you include:
- Technology/Computer Issues: A number of technical issues could negatively affect the test-taker experience including but not limited to: Mac OS Catalina, CPU and memory hitting capacity, no dual-band router, roommates or family taking up wifi, etc. ProctorU provides free 24/7 technical assistance for test-takers. We will do everything possible to resolve an issue prior to contacting you as the instructor. In the event we cannot resolve an issue, the test-taker may need to re-connect from a different computer or reschedule their exam. Please make sure your test-takers know our tech requirements.
- Attempting to Test In a Public Space (i.e. a coffee shop): In order to ensure exam integrity, we require that test-takers test in a private area like a bedroom, office, or private study room in a library. If we connect to a test-taker in a public space, they will have to relocate before we are able to proctor their exam session.
- Unreliable Wi-Fi: If your test-taker’s Internet connection is not steady or strong (see speed requirements), it can result in a dropped connection in the middle of their exam. If we cannot resolve this issue, the test-taker may need to reschedule. We highly recommend test-takers test the Wi-Fi that they plan to use prior to the exam appointment to ensure that the bandwidth is strong enough. They can do that here.
- Impatience or General Anxiety: We understand that test-takers can feel anxiety about a new process or testing in general. You can help ease these emotions substantially by simply providing some of the information we’re sharing with you here. We have listed tips and best practices below to prepare them for testing with ProctorU.
- Talking Out Loud During the Exam: To ensure exam integrity and protect against exam content theft, we do not allow talking during an exam. Please make sure your test-takers understand this. We understand there are a few unique cases that may warrant a test-taker speaking during an exam, and those will need to be registered as a special accommodation (see above for instructions on how to handle accommodations).
- Long Wait Times or “I Lost Time On My Exam”: If using our Live+ or Review+ with a Live Launch services, your test-takers should expect the connection and exam start process to take between 10-15 minutes unless a technical issue occurs, in which case it will take longer as we will try to resolve the issue. Please make sure your test-takers understand that their exam clock does not begin until the proctor enters the exam password and the test-taker clicks begin. They do not lose any time in their exam due to our start process.
- Incorrect Password: If the password you provided does not unlock the exam, we will need to get in touch with you to obtain the correct password.
Understanding Post-Exam Reports
If you’re using our Live+ or Review+ services, we provide real-time exam session data and full incident reports within 72 hours of a session. Here’s everything you can expect post-exam session:
Incident reporting on questionable sessions is provided within 72 hours, including end-to-end recordings with time-stamps of behavior flags. We have outlined what you need to know about reading an incident report here.
If you are using Live+, you will have access to a role-based dashboard to see the status of any exam or test-taker at any time. We have outlined what you need to know about reading the dashboard here.
The test-taker appointment timeline enables you to view the events of a particular appointment in a detailed timeline. You can read details about it here.
Preparing Your Test-Takers for Success
After your exam has been entered, you will want to communicate with your test-takers about what to expect. The more you tell them before their proctored session, the better-prepared they will be. This will hopefully lead to a more comfortable and positive experience. We recommend relaying the following information and best practices:
Resource Centers:
We’ve created resource centers for first-time test takers to help them get started. Because the test-taker experience is different depending on which service line you are using for your exams, we’ve created two different resource centers. Please share the most appropriate link depending on the product you’re using:
- For test-takers being proctored through Live+ or Review+ (with a live proctor launch),use this resource center.
- For test-takers being proctored through Record+ (with an automated launch),use this resource center.
Syllabus Language:
We have also drafted suggested syllabus language depending on which product you will be using. You may access all versions here.
The Test-Taker Experience:
For test-takers, the main difference in our service lines is whether or not they connect to a live proctor to begin an exam session. If you have set up an exam using Live+ or Review+, they will always connect to a live proctor. If you are using Record+, the test-taker will never be connected to a live proctor.
Regardless of the service line you are using, test-takers can always access live support assistance through our LiveChat feature within their ProctorU account.
- Test-takers need to create a ProctorU account well before they need to take an exam.
- For those of you using Live+ or Review+, test-takers should be instructed to schedule their exams as soon as possible so they get a time that works well for their schedule and fits within your exam window. In order to avoid additional fees, they will need to schedule more than 72 hours ahead of time.
- If you are using Record+, test-takers can take exams on-demand without prior scheduling needed because they are not being connected to a live proctor.
- We strongly recommend that test-takers test their equipment prior to exam day by visiting this link or clicking the “Test Your Equipment” button within their ProctorU account.
- If any equipment does not pass, they will need to click the LiveChat feature to connect with a support representative to resolve the issues prior to exam day.
- Make sure they are testing equipment in a similar environment that they will be testing in (time of day, location, bandwidth usage, etc.)
- It is always a good idea for a test-taker to reboot their computer prior to testing.
- It is important that a test-taker has enough bandwidth available during an exam. Others on their network streaming videos or using excessive bandwidth can impact the testing experience.
- They should review equipment and technology requirements here.
All test-takers have to go through a start-up process. Please let them know this does NOT deduct from their time inside the exam. The exam timer does not begin until the start-up process is completed. As part of that process, they will take the following steps:
- Test-takers will need to be in a well-lit, private and quiet area that is free from interruption.
- They will have to download the Guardian Browser located here.
- They will need to enable their microphone and camera.
- They will have to close all unpermitted applications and programs other than the web browser that will be used for taking the exam.
- They will need to have a photo ID or passport ready.
If you’re using Live+ or Review+, test-takers will also be prompted to download and install LogMeIn Rescue. If this program is not running, a test-taker will not be connected to ProctorU and will not be able to test.
Please let your test-takers know that 24/7 support is available in three ways:
- Via LiveChat within the test-taker account. This is the best and quickest way to get support.
- Via phone at 1.855.772.8678
- Via email at support@proctoru.com
While we get a lot of questions, these are some of the most common. We share these with the hope that you can help better prepare your test-takers.
Q: Do I have to pay for an exam?
A: The method of payment depends on the agreement that ProctorU has with each individual institution. There are typically three payment options to choose from at the institution level:
- The institution requires test-takers to pay for each exam.
- The institution covers the full cost of each exam, including potential extra scheduling fees.
- The institution covers the base fee but requires test-takers to pay for any premium scheduling fees.
Q: Can a college or military ID work in lieu of a driver’s license or passport?
A: Yes, a college or military ID will be accepted as long as the institution allows it.
Q: Can I take my exam in a private room of a library or office?
A: Yes, a test-taker may test in a private room of a library or office as long as they are the only person in the room.
Q: Do you give access codes or discounts?
A: At this time, ProctorU does not give access codes or discounts. However, some institutions will buy access codes and distribute them to their test-takers.
Q: Why does it say that I have connection issues when I have full bars?
A: A test-taker’s connection may indeed be at full strength, but their maximum bandwidth capability may not meet ProctorU’s minimum requirements. You can find those here.